What Is Low-Value Content Meant By Google Adsense?

Every blogger, including me, has faced the “Low-Value Content Error” when applying for AdSense on their first go.

It’s a puzzling term, especially for new bloggers who might wonder, “What does ‘low-value content‘ mean?”

Did you also receive an email from AdSense saying your website has “low-value content“?

If “YES“, then worry not.

This guide will help you to understand the actual meaning of low-value content in AdSense and the possible ways to resolve this error based on my personal experiences.

So stick around, and let’s get your website back on track!

Low-value Content Error Briefly Explained

What Is Meant By Google Adsense Low-Value Content?

Low-value content is the most common problem for Adsense approval. It’s not only about duplicate and thin content; the topic is deeper than you might think. 

To put it simply, low-value content is anything on your website that doesn’t helps readers find what they’re looking for. This includes things like pictures, blog posts, videos, and more. It also includes duplicate content, thin pages, and broken links. Yup, all this stuff is LOW-VALUE content!

Google wants your site’s content to be useful and give folks something good. They’re all about making sure what you put out there benefits people. 

Since you’re getting the low-value content error, it means your blog content isn’t helpful, and you need to find out WHY? What you’re doing wrong? 

How Do You Find Low-Value Content? 7 Tips to Fix

Now you know about the meaning of low-value content, let’s move toward another main topic how do you find low-value content? How do you decide which old content to retire, redirect, or merge?

Honestly speaking, spotting low-value content is quite difficult for those who’re beginning. To understand it, you must know what’s helpful content as per Google, or else you won’t be able to identify the main cause. 

1- Understandings What Google Considers Helpful Content

Helpful content, according to Google, is all about giving your audience something they’ll find genuinely useful. 

It’s like being a friend who provides clear answers, helpful tips, and valuable insights. Google wants to make sure that when people search for something, they end up with content that solves problems or satisfies their curiosity. 

Here are a few main characteristics of high-quality content. Read and analyze do your website content possesses similar features or not. 

  • Useful Answers: Google likes content that gives clear and useful answers to people’s questions. If you’re writing a blog post about “Do ferrets eat eggs?” ensure you provide a detailed answer, including whether you should serve eggs to ferrets, what are its benefits, the drawbacks for health, etc. 
  • Trustworthy Sources: Content backed by reliable sources or experts is considered more trustworthy. Think about a question why should users trust your content? They don’t know you personally. To build trust, add resources like the opinion of a vet in your article about do they suggest serving eggs to ferrets. 
  • Engaging and Easy to Read: Content that’s easy to understand and skimmable is valued. No matter how good your content is, if it’s not skimmable, the readers will leave. So use the right heading tags, add bullet points, write small sentences and paragraphs in simple words, and highlight important info. 
  • Original Insights: Google appreciates content that brings something new or unique to the table. After all, you’re not the only option for Google. It’s best if you offer insights your competitors aren’t offering. For example, you can add infographics, charts, and diagrams that give Google a reason to rank your blog. 

If your blog doesn’t have such content, forget about the ranking because it’s impossible unless you make major changes. 

The changes mean you must heavily edit, remove, and add more relevant content. I’ll discuss the process in detail below; consider the point of each heading step by step. 

2- Find Out Outdated Articles

A few months ago, my friend came to me; he wasn’t happy with the condition of his website. Despite having content that was good (actually helpful), the ranking was going down. 

After checking the analytics, content, and competitors, I found out the cause of the issue. As I said, the content was good, but Google dumped his blog because of the outdated content. 

The niche was related to tech that needed updated info. The top two competitors used the latest info and constantly updated the old articles. This is why Google preferred them for ranking instead of his blog. 

Maybe your niche also needs the latest info. You can check this by analyzing competitors’ content. Check how many times they update and do they add the latest statistics. Then one by one, update your articles and delete the irrelevant ones. 

3- Broken Links And Interlinking

Next reason that answer why do I keep getting rejected by AdSense is broken links and bad interlinking structure. 

Both are important points in the eyes of Google’s algorithm. When Google’s bots crawl your site and bump into broken links, they get a bit cranky, leading to losing ranking points. 

Plus, it’s not a great experience for readers, either. Nobody likes hitting a dead end. The same goes for interlinking, which can be a superhero for your content if used properly.

When you link to other relevant articles within your site, you’re guiding readers to explore more of your valuable content. 

This keeps them on your site longer and boosts their experience. Google loves this because it sees your site as a helpful resource. The only catch is Google doesn’t just want any old or irrelevant links. 

Google only want well-organized, purposeful interlinking. So, check how many articles are connected to each other on your website, and make sure they’re related and make sense together. 

Note – Never interlink the article “How to lose 5 pounds in 2 months” to “How to plan a diet plan for diabetics patients.”

4- Check The Relevancy Of Articles Thoroughly

You should also check the relevancy of the articles you’ve posted thoroughly. Not in all cases, but sometimes writers create a big mess. Let me give you an example: 

I once received an article that began with a 200-word introduction about how amazing toaster ovens are and how they make life better. 

The article was supposed to be about the “5 best toaster ovens.” Now, that’s like adding pineapple to a pizza when folks expect classic cheese. 

When someone searches for “5 best toaster ovens,” they’re not interested in the benefits of toaster ovens. They’re past that stage – they’re ready to pick the best one. That’s the pain point. 

But when the article started with a long intro about toaster oven benefits, it missed the mark completely. This is called irrelevant content; you’ve to find similar articles on your blogs. 

After finding out, delete the irrelevant content, and add something useful according to the search intent. Don’t miss to hit the pain point of the readers; your content should be relatable to your audience. 

5- Page With Low-Word Count

Another way to fix Google Adsense’s low-value content issue is by checking the word count of each article on your website. 

Based on my understanding, the primary reason for this issue is some content creators have taken Google’s suggestions for concise content too seriously. Yes, you need to produce to-the-point content, but the minimum word count limit should be 500 words. 

If your pages fall below this number, Google might see them as “thin content.” That’s not what you’re aiming for. So, make sure the articles you’ve got enough words in there to meet the 500-word mark. If not, update them by adding more relevant information. 

6- Get Help From Google Search Console

A fantastic way to solve Google Adsense’s low-value content problem is by getting help from Google Search Console. It’s the best and free tool, where you can find which content is performing well and bad. 

You’ll find juicy insights like the keywords your pages are ranking for, how many people are seeing them (impressions), and how many are actually clicking.

With data, it’s easy to uncover pages that are getting loads of impressions for the right keywords, yet people aren’t clicking. The problem might be right – headline (title). Readers won’t be tempted to click if your title isn’t catchy or intriguing.

It is best to change your title and make it engaging and catchy with the right info (don’t use clickbait titles). If the titles are perfect, it’s time to decide.

Get help from Google Search Console 

Check whether your content needs an update to fit the current scene. If they’re no longer serving a purpose, give them a graceful exit (it’s recommended by Google). 

7- Remove Duplicate Content

Keep in mind, Google “HATES” duplicate content so much that sometimes it even leads to penalties. For me, you’re lucky that you only received a rejection email from Adsense – you’ve got a chance to fix things.

If you’ve taken stuff like pictures, words, or videos from other websites without asking, it’s a good idea to take them down. Give your content a unique spin instead. Google prefers fresh and original stuff. 

What Are The Consequences Of Having Low-Value Content?

Having low-quality content is really a bad idea for the website because of three major reasons: 

  1. First, people might not enjoy using your site as much, which means they won’t stay or click on things as often, and that can mean less money for you.
  2. Second, Google Adsense doesn’t put ads on your site or even approve it unless your website content is of high quality. 
  3. The third and most important reason is when you’ll not earn anything (because of Adsense approval), and the ranking will go down. 

What Are Some Common Signs Of Low-value Content?

Here are a few indicators that can help you identify low-value content on your website. These include:

  • Articles that lack originality and are copied or duplicated from other websites.
  • Poor grammar and excessive spelling mistakes.
  • Irrelevant or outdated information.
  • Thin content with too few words or a lack of depth.
  • Content stuffed with excessive ads or affiliate links.

Why Is It Important To Fix Low-Value Content?

Here are a few reasons why is it important to fix low-value content: 

  • Happy Users: Better content means visitors find what they want, making them happy.
  • More Engagement: Good content keeps people interested, exploring, and buying things.
  • Google Likes It: Quality content makes Google happy, so your site can be found more easily.
  • Ads and Money: Good content makes Google Adsense like you, so you keep ads and earn more cash.
  • Trust and Respect: Quality builds trust, showing you’re reliable and respectable.
  • Be a Strong Competitor: Great content helps you stand out in the busy online world.

What Are Some Tips To Fix Low-Value Content?

Here are 5 tips to fix low-value content:

  1. Create high-quality and unique content: Focus on providing valuable information to your target audience. 
  2. Observe Google Adsense’s guidelines: Familiarize yourself with Google Adsense’s content policies and ensure your website complies with them.
  3. Avoid plagiarism and grammar mistakes: Use proper citations when quoting other sources and proofread your content to eliminate grammatical errors.
  4. Remove irrelevant or outdated content: Regularly review your website and update or remove any content that is no longer relevant or accurate.
  5. Write for People: It’s a good practice to follow SEO guidelines but don’t overoptimize your content by thinking it will increase ranking chances (it won’t). Instead, write people-friendly content!

Google Adsense Low-Value Content: Final Words

I hope you’ve got the answer to what low-value content meant by Google Adsense. For your guidance, I’ve also discussed how to identify and then fix this issue. You only need to follow all the tips, and I’m sure you won’t get the same email of rejection from Adsense ever again. 

If you’ve any questions, feel free to ask below in the comments. Also, don’t forget to share your opinion about the article and how helpful is it to you. 

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