Norway Digital Nomad Visa

Being a digital nomad is indeed a blessing in itself. Unlike the 9 to 5 mundane routine, this profession allows you to work from anywhere, anytime. Among more than 100 countries welcoming digital nomad, Norway stands out due to its picturesque landscape, ease of application, and affordable cost of living.

Norway Digital Nomad Visa, officially known as the Independent Contractor Visa, is a gateway for self-employed individuals to live and work in this beautiful nation for up to two years.

That said, let’s begin with the Norway Digital Nomad Visa Guide, along with other information you should know as a digital nomad.

Quick Facts About Norway:

  1. Capital: Oslo
  2. Official Language: Norwegian
  3. Currency: Norwegian Krone (NOK)
  4. Total Population: Approximately 5.4 million people.
  5. Unique Tradition: Celebrating Constitution Day (17th of May) with parades, flags, and traditional clothing (bunad).
  6. Highest Peaks: Galdhøpiggen is the highest peak in Norway and Northern Europe.
  7. Oldest City: Tønsberg, founded in the Viking Age around 871 AD.
  8. Islands: Norway has over 50,000 islands along its coastline.
  9. Heritage: Known for its viking history and contributions to exploration, including the voyages of Leif Erikson to North America.
  10. Popular Food: Norwegian salmon and lutefisk, a traditional dish made from dried fish.

Does Norway Offer A Digital Nomad Visa?

Yes, Norway offers a digital nomad visa. This allows individuals who work remotely to live in Norway and enjoy its scenic beauty while continuing their digital tasks.

Why Choose Norway As A Digital Nomad Destination?

Choosing Norway as a digital nomad destination is appealing for several reasons. Norway boasts breathtaking natural landscapes, from fjords to the Northern Lights, providing a serene environment for work and relaxation.

In addition, its blend of rich history and modern amenities can offer a unique and enriching experience for digital nomads seeking a balance between work and exploration.

Who Is Eligible For Norway’s Digital Nomad Visa?

For Norway’s Digital Nomad Visa, eligibility typically revolves around demonstrating the ability to work remotely with a stable income. This means applicants should have a job or clients outside of Norway and show proof of sufficient funds to support themselves during their stay.

What Are The Requirements For A Norway Digital Nomad Visa?

The requirements for a Norway Digital Nomad Visa typically encompass a few key areas. Firstly, applicants need to prove they have remote work, meaning their employment or clients are based outside of Norway. 

They must also demonstrate a steady income, ensuring they can sustain themselves while in the country. Additionally, some basic requirements might include a valid passport, health insurance, and no criminal record.

How Much Income Do You Need To Acquire A Norway Digital Nomad Visa?

To acquire a Norway Digital Nomad Visa, you need to demonstrate a minimum annual income of €35,719. This requirement ensures that digital nomads have the adequate financial means to support themselves during their stay in Norway without relying on local employment or resources.

Can I Bring My Family With Me On The Norway Digital Nomad Visa?

Yes, you can bring your family with you on the Norway Digital Nomad Visa. However, there may be additional documentation and requirements to ensure their stay is approved alongside yours.

How Long Is The Validity Of The Norway Digital Nomad Visa?

The Norway Digital Nomad Visa has a validity of two years. This allows remote workers ample time to experience life in Norway while continuing their digital professions.

Am I Allowed To Work Locally In Norway While On A Digital Nomad Visa?

No, while on a Digital Nomad Visa in Norway, you are not permitted to work locally for Norwegian employers. The visa is designed for individuals who have remote employment or clients outside of the country.

Can The Norway Digital Nomad Visa Be Converted Into A Work Visa?

The Norway Digital Nomad Visa is specifically for remote workers and can’t be converted to a work visa. If you wish to work locally in Norway, you’d need to apply separately for a work permit or visa.

What Is The Procedure For The Norway Digital Nomad Visa?

The procedure for the Norway Digital Nomad Visa involves submitting an application with required documentation, such as proof of remote employment and a minimum annual income. You’ll also need a valid passport, health insurance, and possibly a background check.

 Once the application is reviewed, there might be additional verifications or interviews. After approval, you’ll receive the visa, allowing you to stay in Norway as a digital nomad.

Is An Interview Required For The Norway Digital Nomad Visa?

Yes, an interview is often part of the Norway Digital Nomad Visa application process. It helps the authorities assess the authenticity of your application and clarify any details. It’s essential to be well-prepared and provide accurate information during this stage to ensure a smooth visa approval process.

Can I Get A Norway Visa Without IELTS?

Yes, you can get a Norway visa without IELTS. The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is an English proficiency test, and its requirement varies based on the visa type and purpose. And Norway does not necessitate it for Nomad Visa. 

What Is The Required Bank Balance For The Norway Digital Nomad Visa?

For the Norway Digital Nomad Visa, there isn’t a fixed bank balance requirement. However, applicants must demonstrate financial stability and the ability to support themselves during their stay in the country.

What Is The Fee For The Norway Visa?

Typically, the fee for the Norway Digital Nomad Visa is 80 euro. This cost is relatively affordable for remote workers looking to experience life in Norway while continuing their digital professions.

What Is The Processing Time For The Norway Visa?

The processing time for the Norway Digital Nomad Visa typically ranges from two weeks to one month. However, it’s always recommended to apply well in advance to account for any unexpected delays or additional documentation requests.

How To Avoid Norway Visa Rejection?

To avoid Norway visa rejection, ensure that all your documents are accurate and up-to-date. Be sure to provide truthful information in your application, meet the income and remote work criteria, and clarify the purpose of your stay. 

Additionally, being prepared for the interview, if required, and showing genuine intent to use the visa as a digital nomad can boost your chances of approval.

Can I Open A Bank Account In Norway As A Digital Nomad?

Yes, as a digital nomad with a valid visa, you can open a bank account in Norway. However, each bank might have its own set of requirements. So, it’s advisable to reach out to your preferred Norwegian bank in advance to understand their specific procedures and ensure a seamless process.

What Is The Cost Of Living In Norway For Digital Nomads?

The cost of living in Norway for digital nomads can be relatively high, as Norway is known for its high living standards and expensive prices. The cost of living will vary depending on your lifestyle, location within Norway, and personal preferences. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Accommodation: Housing is one of the most significant expenses in Norway. Renting an apartment or house in major cities like Oslo, Bergen, or Stavanger can be quite expensive. Prices may range from around 8,000 NOK to 15,000 NOK per month for a one-bedroom apartment, but can be even higher in prime areas.
  • Food: Groceries in Norway can also be costly. Expect to pay more for food than in many other countries. Dining out is even more expensive, with a basic meal at a restaurant costing around 200-300 NOK.
  • Transportation: Public transportation is efficient but can be expensive, especially in cities. A monthly public travel pass can cost around 600-900 NOK. If you plan to buy a car, keep in mind that fuel, tolls, and maintenance expenses are high.
  • Healthcare: Healthcare in Norway is of high quality and largely subsidized by the government. As a resident, you are required to pay a small fee for each doctor’s visit (around 200-400 NOK), but the bulk of healthcare expenses are covered by the state.
  • Telecommunications: High-speed internet and mobile phone plans are available in Norway, but they can be relatively expensive. Expect to pay around 300-500 NOK per month for a mobile phone plan with data.
  • Recreation and Entertainment: The cost of entertainment and recreational activities can vary, but you have to pay several Norwegian Krones for tickets to museums, theaters, and other cultural events. A cinema ticket might cost around 120-150 NOK.

Keep in mind that Norway’s currency is the Norwegian Krone (NOK), and the exchange rate can affect your cost of living if you are earning income in a different currency. It’s important to create a detailed budget and consider all the circumstances to estimate your cost of living in the counry.

Benefits of Working As A Digital Nomad In Norway

Working as a digital nomad in Norway can offer several benefits due to the country’s high standard of living, natural beauty, and modern infrastructure. Here are some of the advantages of being a on a remote work visa  in Norway:

  • High Quality of Life: Norway consistently ranks high in global quality of life and happiness indexes. The country offers a safe and clean environment, excellent healthcare, and a strong social safety net.
  • Stunning Natural Landscapes: Norway is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, including fjords, mountains, and forests. As a digital nomad, you can explore the adventurous outdoors, go hiking, skiing, or simply enjoy the beautiful scenery during your free time.
  • Reliable Infrastructure: Norway has a well-developed infrastructure, including high-speed internet, efficient public transportation, and well-maintained roads. This makes it easy to work remotely and stay connected.
  • Strong Economy: Norway has a robust and stable economy with a high standard of living. As a digital nomad, you can benefit from the country’s strong economy and access to various business opportunities.
  • Work-Life Balance: Norwegians value work-life balance, and as a digital nomad, you can embrace this lifestyle. The 9-to-5 culture is less prevalent, and you can often set your own schedule.
  • Education and Innovation: Norway is known for its excellent education system and innovation. You can tap into this environment for personal growth and networking opportunities.
  • Low Corruption: Norway consistently ranks as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, ensuring a transparent and trustworthy environment for business and work.

What Career Options Are Available In Norway For Digital Nomads?

Norway offers various career options for digital nomads due to its robust economy and  demand for skilled professionals. Some of the career options available for digital nomads in Norway include:

  • Remote Work: Many digital nomads continue to work for their current employers while living in Norway. As long as you have a stable internet connection, you can perform a wide range of remote jobs in fields such as software development, marketing, design, writing, and customer support.
  • Freelancing: Freelancers can find opportunities in Norway in fields like graphic design, web development, copywriting, digital marketing, and more. Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer can help you connect with clients around the world.
  • Consulting: If you have expertise in a particular field, you can offer remote consulting services to Norwegian businesses. This can be in areas like management, IT, marketing, or other specialized domains.
  • Startups and Entrepreneurship: Norway has a growing startup ecosystem, particularly in cities like Oslo and Bergen. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a business idea, you might consider starting your own company.
  • Teaching and Language Instruction: English speakers can explore opportunities in teaching English as a foreign language, online. Additionally, if you’re proficient in other languages, you might offer language lessons to locals.
  • Content Creation: Content creators, including bloggers, vloggers, and social media influencers, can find a niche in the Norwegian market. You can create content on topics relevant to the local audience or target an international audience.

What Are The Best Cities In Norway For Digital Nomads?

Norway offers several cities and regions that can be attractive for digital nomads due to their multiple reasons, including a quick access to all amenities and services. Some of the best cities in Norway for digital nomads include:

  • Oslo: The capital city, Oslo, is the country’s economic and cultural hub. It has a vibrant tech scene, numerous co-working spaces, and a diverse range of job opportunities. The city also offers a high quality of life with excellent public transportation, parks, and recreational activities.
  • Bergen: Bergen is known for its stunning natural beauty and is often considered the gateway to the Norwegian fjords. Its startup and tech sector is growing with speed, making it an appealing option for digital nomads who want to enjoy the coastal lifestyle while pursuing their careers.
  • Stavanger: Located on the southwestern coast, Stavanger is a city with a strong focus on the energy and tech industries. It’s an excellent choice for digital nomads with an interest in these areas.
  • Trondheim: Trondheim is a smaller city with a rich history and a significant student population due to its universities. It offers a good work-life balance and a welcoming atmosphere for remote workers.
  • Tromsø: If you’re interested in experiencing the beauty of the Arctic, Tromsø in Northern Norway is a unique choice. It’s a hub for Arctic research and has a growing tech community.

What Are The Best Cafes In Norway For Digital Nomads?

Norway offers a stunning backdrop for digital nomads, with its natural beauty and progressive culture. When seeking the best cafes to work from, you’ll want places with quality Wi-Fi, a welcoming atmosphere, and great coffee. Here are some of the best cafes in Norway for digital nomads, known for their quality:

  • Fuglen (Oslo): This retro café in Oslo not only serves exceptional coffee but also offers a cozy, vintage ambiance perfect for work. The Wi-Fi is reliable, and the staff is friendly.
  • Tim Wendelboe (Oslo): Run by a world-renowned barista, Tim Wendelboe is a coffee lover’s dream. The café has fantastic espresso and a minimalist, focused environment conducive to work.
  • Kaffebrenneriet (Multiple Locations): A popular chain of coffee shops with locations throughout Norway. You can expect a consistent quality of coffee and decent Wi-Fi.
  • Mocca Kaffebar (Trondheim): Known for its artisanal coffee, Mocca Kaffebar offers a quiet atmosphere and ample space to work in Trondheim.
  • Åpent Bakeri (Oslo): A rustic and cozy bakery with excellent coffee and baked goods. It’s a great spot for focusing on your work.
  • Dromedar Kaffebar (Multiple Locations): Another coffee shop chain in Norway, Dromedar offers good coffee, comfy seating, and decent Wi-Fi.

What Are The Best Co-Working Spaces In Norway For Digital Nomads?

Norway offers some excellent co-working spaces for digital nomads, which can provide a professional and focused work environment. Here are some of the best ones in Norway:

  • The Library (Trondheim): The Library in Trondheim is a co-working space designed for those who seek a quiet and focused environment. It has dedicated desks, private offices, and meeting rooms.
  • MESH Møre (Ålesund): MESH Møre is a co-working space in Ålesund, offering a range of options for remote workers. It’s known for its beautiful location and collaborative atmosphere.
  • Work-Work (Trondheim): This co-working space in Trondheim is designed for tech and game developers. It offers a creative environment, along with exciting events and activities for its members.
  • Arendals Fossekompani Co-working (Kristiansand): Located in Kristiansand, this co-working space provides a professional atmosphere, modern facilities, and a supportive community of professionals.
  • The Common (Stavanger): The Common is a co-working space in Stavanger with flexible membership options, high-speed internet, and a community of like-minded professionals.
  • Workin Gruppen (Bodø): Workin Gruppen in Bodø offers co-working spaces and offices for rent, along with meeting room facilities and a communal kitchen area.

10 Must-Try Norway Dishes For Digital Nomads

Norway offers a unique culinary experience with a focus on fresh seafood, traditional dishes, and local ingredients. Here are 10 must-try Norwegian dishes for digital nomads looking to explore the country’s cuisine:

  1. Gravlaks: Gravlaks is a classic Norwegian dish made of thinly sliced salmon, typically served with mustard sauce and bread. It’s a delicious way to enjoy Norway’s fresh seafood.
  2. Lutefisk: Lutefisk is a traditional dish made from dried fish (usually cod or ling) that has been rehydrated and treated with lye. It’s often served with white sauce, bacon, and peas.
  3. Raspeballer: These are potato dumplings that are often served with a variety of toppings, like butter, bacon, and lingonberry sauce. It is a hearty and comforting Norwegian dish.
  4. Fårikål: Fårikål is Norway’s national dish, consisting of slow-cooked lamb or mutton with cabbage, whole black peppercorns, and wheat flour. It’s a warming and flavorful stew.
  5. Koldtbord: Koldtbord is a traditional Norwegian cold buffet, featuring an assortment of cured meats, smoked fish, cheeses, and various side dishes. It’s a great way to taste a variety of Norwegian delicacies.
  6. Reindeer Meat: Reindeer is a staple in Norwegian cuisine, and you can find it prepared in various ways, such as reindeer stew, sausages, or smoked reindeer. 
  7. Pølse med Lompe: Norway’s alternative to the hot dog, pølse med lompe is a sausage wrapped in a soft, potato-based flatbread. It is typically served with condiments like ketchup and mustard.
  8. Kjøttkaker: These are Norwegian meatballs made from a mixture of ground meat (usually a combination of pork and beef) and served with a rich brown sauce, potatoes, and peas.
  9. Fiskesuppe: Norwegian fish soup is a hearty and creamy dish featuring various types of fish, often served with root vegetables and accompanied by a side of lefse (Norwegian flatbread).
  10. Brunost: Also known as brown cheese, brunost is a sweet and caramelized cheese made from the whey of goat’s milk or cow’s milk. It’s typically served on bread or crackers and is a unique Norwegian treat.

Top 10 Delicious And Popular Fruits In Norway

Norway is known for its diverse and delicious fruits, thanks to its cool climate and fertile land. Here are the top 10 delicious and popular fruits you can find in Norway:

  1. Apples: Apples are one of the most common and popular fruits in Norway. They come in various varieties and are often used in desserts, as snacks, or to make traditional Norwegian apple dishes.
  2. Plums: Plums thrive in Norway’s climate, and you can find both European and Japanese varieties. They are often used in jams, desserts, and as a fresh snack.
  3. Cherries: Norwegian cherries are known for their sweet and juicy flavor. They’re often enjoyed fresh or used in baking, especially in cherry pies and tarts.
  4. Raspberries: Raspberries are a common berry in Norway, known for their intense flavor. They are utilized in jams, desserts, and are enjoyed fresh during the summer.
  5. Strawberries: Norwegian strawberries are highly sought after for their sweet taste and fragrance. They are a popular summer fruit, enjoyed fresh or used in desserts like strawberry shortcake.
  6. Blueberries: Wild blueberries, known as “blåbær,” are a staple in Norwegian cuisine. They are used in jams, desserts, and often picked fresh from the forests.
  7. Currants: Red and black currants are widely cultivated in Norway and are used to make jams, juices, and desserts. They have a tart, refreshing flavor.
  8. Gooseberries: Gooseberries are another popular berry, used for making pies, jams, and desserts. They have a unique sweet-tart flavor.
  9. Sea Buckthorn: Sea buckthorn berries are gaining popularity in Norway for their health benefits. They are used in juices, jams, and can be enjoyed fresh.
  10. Cloudberries: Cloudberries are highly prized in Norway, known for their distinct taste. They are often used in desserts, like cloudberry cream or served with waffles and cream.


In conclusion, the Norway Digital Nomad Visa opens up a world of opportunities for those who wish to combine work and travel in this beautiful Scandinavian country. This guide has provided you with the essential information you need to embark on your digital nomad journey in Norway.

So, pack your bags, set up your remote office, and get ready to make lasting memories in Norway – the land of innovation and incredible natural beauty.

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